The days of overstuffing sub-par content with every keyword you find and still ranking high on Google are long gone. Given the competition today, you best believe the SEO practices that worked for an internet marketing agency in 2016 won’t work today.

User experience has now become an integral part of SEO, one that is just as important as link building (backlinking) and proper keyword usage. When determining what search result ranking a website deserves, search engines like Google have started to take user experience into account.
Today, SEO and user experience go hand in hand.

What exactly is user experience?

User experience (UX) optimization is nothing more than offering your visitor the kind of website they’d love to scroll through.
Creating a website your users love will increase the number of pages they visit per session, increasing the dwell time which again, in turn, will help in decreasing the bounce rate. 

As a search engine marketing company in India, here’s our take on how one can crack the SEO code in 2020 and provide unmatchable user experience.

Create a remarkable logo

Our logo is one of the first things users see when they land on our website and being a web designing company in Mumbai, we can hardly compromise on its design and originality, can we? You need to make sure your logo is well made and unique, no matter how tiny an element it is. Clashing colours or a lot of details in the logo itself might be enough to drive your visitors away.

Simplify your navigation

A clear and easy-to-navigate navigation bar on your website’s homepage makes it easier for your audience to find content relevant to them. Great navigation, however, doesn’t limit itself to the navigation bar. Try to customize your website in a way that your users don’t find themselves asking “Where should I click next?”. 

Optimize page speed

If your website takes forever to load, it’ll also take forever to gain a dedicated audience that keeps coming back. After all, no one today has the time and patience to stick to a website that takes more than 5 seconds to load. Here’s how you can ensure your website loads faster than those of your competitors.

Great quality hosting : If all your hosting provider does is give your website a rented space on the internet, you’ve chosen the wrong hosting. You need to choose a reliable hosting service that also offers a promising loading speed for your website.

Image compression : Large images can eat up a lot of bandwidth that can compromise the quality of the images you upload. To avoid blurry, slow-loading images, make sure to use formats such as jpg, png or gif and consider using tools and plugins that will compress your images while maintaining the desired quality.

Include image tags

If you custom write your image tags, these details get displayed every time images on your website refuse to load. This ensures that your user still gets a good user experience, even if it’s not the one you originally intended.

Use headings

Headings help structure your content and improve the page readability. Make the most of the H1 and H2 tags and break down the text in sizeable bite-sized paragraphs.

Perform mobile optimization

Reaching the top spots on Google with a website that is difficult to read or has buttons that are frustrating to click on is near impossible. Since things on a smartphone are now more compact than ever, optimization to make your website mobile-friendly is an absolute must.

You see, anyone can overstuff their content with keywords. Google, however, is smart and determines its top contenders by also taking a quick look at the website’s UX.

Mastering UX with these 6 elements along with relevant and original content has proven to be a winning combination for SEO time and again!

What steps do you take to ensure users fall in love with your website? Do share your secrets with us all in the comments below!