One of the most important elements of any given web page is creating a compelling call to action. A well-crafted CTA will not only encourage users to take the next step; it will also help them move along in their customer journey. At Runtime Solutions, we have seen firsthand the many ways in which businesses have transformed once they implement strong calls to action. For instance, when Sarah needed help with her conversion rates on her e-commerce website, we helped in honing her CTA. Because of this, her sales rise by 25% right after two months!

Start With Action-Oriented Language

The key to a great CTA is to be direct and clear. Action verbs like “get,” “discover,” and “learn” will drive users’ motivation. When Runtime Solutions partnered with Blacksmith Agency, we realized the power of straightforward language. Instead of using the generic “submit”, we changed that to “Claim Your Free Quote.” Tiny tweak; much more inviting and engaging.

Appeal to Emotions

One must remember that while crafting a CTA, it is not about the words that make the people take action, but it’s about the feelings those words will invoke. Do they stir urgency, excitement, or optimism? On one project, we worked with, the call to action “Start Your Journey Today”, which created in users’ minds a feeling of engaging in something important and appealed to their sense of adventure and growth. With the use of this change, one client witnessed a 20% rise in users’ interactions, proving emotions drive decisions.

Offer Value

Why would users want to click? We kept asking this while working with Blacksmith Agency. The answer: in return for value. A well-crafted CTA isn’t about commanding the users to engage but rather giving them an idea of what they will receive in return. You can say something like, “click here to learn about web development services that can elevate your brand!” This gives users an idea as to why they should engage.

Test and Optimize

Finally, test. What works for one audience might not work with another. In fact, we did A/B testing for a client’s CTA, and it turned out that just a slight tweak in the wording brought in 15% more clicks. Always be prepared to adapt based on what the data will tell you.

With that said, a powerful CTA will greatly impact your conversion rates. Alongside experts at Runtime Solutions and Blacksmith Agency, you’ll be in a great position to create calls-to-action that every customer loves to hear for driving action. So, what’s holding you back? Bring your SEO to the future with effective CTAs today!